Makes Me Wanna Holler: Working & Hurting While Black

Makes Me Wanna Holler: Working & Hurting While Black



This is so hard to write.  I have nothing to say that is eloquent, that will give you comfort, that will somehow make swallowing the pill of the steady stream of black men being killed by police go down easier.  

Truth be told, I've been firmly tucked up inside my feelings this whole week, rotating between anger, frustration, heartbreak, and true, honest-to-God fear.  Fear for me, my loved ones, my child, my people.  

So while I can't help you process or make sense of this, or even point you towards resources that can, or even one clear plan of action for the future, what I can do is try to help you be able to put one foot in front of the other and make it through another day at work. 

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